Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spring Forward

I must admit... I am SO tickled to see Spring starting up here in NE Oregon. I wasn't sure what to expect, weather-wise, when we moved here from Michigan. I knew it would be a warmer climate, but I've never lived in such an arid place before, and knew that temperature extremes were the rule.

But the last few weeks have brought lost of pleasant surprises, from flocks of Robins, new birds making their appearances, buds on the trees, grass greening up, and incredibly beautiful bluebird days. Almost T-shirt weather, but not quite for me. My kids, on the other hand have already started wearing their shorts. Once again, their early years in Michigan must play a part. Having been born and raised in the deep South, I still get cold easily. I toughened up considerably living in Michigan, but no shorts or T-shirts for me yet. In fact, I LOVED the fact that in Michigan I could stay covered up most of the year.

But my favorite part of Spring this time around is that I get to start a garden!! We always had a big garden in Southern Oregon, but living in the deep woods in Northern Michigan, I became a HUGE fan of growers markets, as I could never grow much there. I wasn't disappointed, as there were some incredible farmers in Northern Michigan, especially near lake Michigan and in the "thumb" area. But I really missed being able to eat home-grown vegetables and berries out of our own yard. I cherish memories of my young boys eating red bell peppers right off the vines, like apples, or munching happily on cherry tomatoes or strawberries that only "traveled" from stem to mouth. Now we have the sun and the climate for another really nice garden, and I'm really optimistic!

Chris has really made me happy by carving out a spot behind our yard, in our "common" area, fencing it off from the local deer, and helping get the beds ready. We even planted a few seeds already. Since it's our first season here, there will be a lot of trial and error. But I'm ready!!

So here are a few pictures of our new garden, as well as a few signs of Spring that are springing up all around us! I hope you all are enjoying some Spring time weather in your neck of the woods as well!!

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