My husband, who is NOT a reader, asked me "Why would you want to ruin perfectly good kid-free time with a book?".
That got me thinking..... In this day and age of all sorts of electronic gadgets that can let you read a book, surf the internet, play a game, talk or text, have we forgotten how to relax, meditate, and truly enjoy our "alone" time? Hubby pointed out that with an ebook that time would be gone in a flash. I hate to admit it, but he may be right.
So for now, I'll continue watching and living in the moment. I won't miss the young girl carrying a dozen colorful noodles to her classmates, or the proud parents lined up to take pictures of their children as they jump off the diving board for the first time. I'll watch as the young adult life guards flirt with each other and notice the perfectly still water of the pool early in the morning before anyone jumps in. I'll watch my boys grow stronger and more graceful, and hopefully catch that moment when my youngest jumps off the high dive for the first time.
Yes, an E-reader would be nice, but even with all the electronic gadgetry.... we still have books in print and a lending library. So, stop by and pick up a couple to finish the summer with. You will still notice the water, the flirting and the grace of young swimmers.
Beth- Pretoria, South Africa
Though I haven't had much time for it lately, I do love my e-reader - given how much Dan and I travel, it makes sense for me to have one gadget filled with 150+ books. Still, there's something to be said for slowing down, observing your surroundings, and just letting yourself be. Perhaps you could do both as Beth (above) suggests - reading and relaxing don't have to be mutually exclusive activities...
I was in the library the other day to check out books for the kids, and grabbed one myself ("Island Beneath the Sea", by Isabel Allende). I still want an ebook though, mainly because I can load one small device with tons of books. But it'll have to wait. And only 2 more days of swim class :-(.
You're right of course, but...I still love my ebook reader. :) Time does fly while reading, but I find I'm more eager to take my kids places like the pool if I know I have a good book waiting. This summer's been the first one I feel I can sit and read instead of make sand castles, blow up floaties, etc, and it's been heaven.
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