We're doing it! Friday, we found out that we were one of 50 households who won a zero-interest loan through the city of Pendleton, OR!!! There were 93 households who applied, so we feel incredibly lucky! We'll have 4 years to pay back the loan, and will have to agree to a lien on our house, but much of that loan will be paid back with tax rebates that we should be getting in the next 3 years. We also met with the actual contractor who measured our roof, looked at the inside and outside of it, and inspected the electric system. Once again, he said we have a "near perfect" place for solar on our roof. We'll be getting the actual bid in the mail soon, signing the paperwork, and hopefully the company will start installing in June, or July. They have about 200 households who've signed up who are in various stages of commitment for the mass city project, so that should cut costs even more.
The drawing for the loan awards was done at Friday's Growers' Market here in Pendleton. While we missed the actual drawing, a white board was left up with all the names in place of who won the awards and who didn't. They wrote each name down in the order they drew them, and if any of the 50 households for some reason can't go through with a solar array installation, then next in line will be eligible. Looking at the list kind of reminded me of high school try-outs for sports or plays. While we're thrilled to be on the "in list", this being the small town that it is, we knew some of the people who didn't get one of the loans.... co-workers, neighbors, friends... So it's a bit bitter sweet, since we wish all 93 families could get a similar loan. We've also been learning just who in town will also be going solar and have found out a few of our neighbors will also be on this adventure with us, which really makes us happy, since we'll have someone else to compare notes with. But until I have more notes to share ourselves, shine on, shine on....